I’ve been getting high since about 6:45 p.m. on February 22, 1977. It was in the back seat of a Ford Pinto, just past New Harmony, Indiana on the way to Evansville, Indiana, to see Black Sabbath when they still had Ozzy.
I watched most of my friends give it up, but I just kept going. I’m lucky enough to have the type of job where catching a buzz isn’t always a detriment.
Legal cannabis can be mystifying, literally even if you do it right. I figured why not share what I learn for folks like me? Not exactly geriatric, but old enough to not be looking for the same things as those with younger, healthier lungs.
You’ll find reviews of cannabis being sold legally in southern Illinois. Not much about terpenes or bouquets, but real world applications. Like going to Walmart stoned. Or the best weed for cleaning the house.
You’ll also read a lot about music, because tunes and weed go together very well.
“I remember smoking Acapulco Gold, Panama Red, Thai Stick, bong hits sprinkled with crystalized opium. Opium … white cross and black beauties … we stole Darvon and Darvocet, along with the occasional valium from our mothers. I bought my first Quaalude and first hit of acid at the same time. I did way too much acid and it shows. There was also mescaline and mushrooms though we never managed to find Peyote. We were doing Ecstasy back when it was still MDMA. The man got the packages mixed up once, and instead of MDMA it was heroin, the only time I did that. I threw up three packages of Suzy Q’s and a family sized bag of Doritos and promptly passed out. The next morning we drove eight hours to Kansas City to see the Grateful Dead.”
My Credentials
And a special welcome to the young people, wise enough to listen to the advice of their elders. Because what we are now, someday ye shall be.
If you must get hold of me, I’m available at head@vintagestoner.com.