A little dab’ll do ya. This much hash oil can provide a pretty decent buzz. When smoked through a dab rig, you don’t inhale smoke, but vapor instead. That means less bad shit gets inside you.
If you’re the type of person who smokes weed, you’re going to smoke weed. I don’t have to tell you it’s not good for you. Smoking anything is bad for you, even if it has benefits.
If you want good for you, try edibles. Or capsules. Or broccoli.
So if you’re going to smoke it, smoke as little of it as possible. You don’t need as much when it’s twice as strong. Or even stronger in the case of concentrates.
Your goal isn’t to look like those kids blowing out a huge cloud of vapor or smoke. Remember, you don’t want to cough up a lung. If it’s been a long time, go slow. And keep a paper bag nearby just in case.
When I started smoking legal dope, my usage went down. Not enough to recoup the cost. But that means to afford it you have to give up all your other bad habits, and for some of us, that makes smoking dope a downright healthy option.
How can smoking dope be bad for me. It’s natural! It’s a weed!
So is Jimpson Weed, I grow it. But I sure as hell won’t smoke it.
Smoking anything anything is bad for you. My biggest fear is COPD. Let’s face it, old stoners quite often used to smoke cigarettes too. That makes our lungs amongst our most abused organs. You could use the shit I cough up in the morning to grout the tile in your bathroom.
You get all the tars and lung gunk you get from cigarettes with weed. No nicotine, but THC which can lead to a totally different menu of problems. Like psychosis, particularly amongst long term, heavy marijuana smokers.
Then there’s lung cancer.
A lot of people I know develop paranoia, or anxiety. A lot of it was fear of getting busted. But even without that fear, there are certain weeds that taken in a healthy dose will instill anxiety all the same. And paranoia seems to grow from that.
Aren’t you a little old for this shit?
Apparently not. I grew up in southern Illinois in the seventies. There wasn’t much to do here, so when you finally found pot, life turned technicolor. How do you outgrow that?
Granted, you hit a certain age, you look at your consumption, and the variety of things you’re consuming, that all lead to untimely death, and start to ponder your life choices. If you’re like me, you have a reason to live.
So you chuck out the vices that are most likely to kill you, pick the one or two you don’t want to give up and develop moderation. Instead of working on your tolerance, you work at weakening your tolerance.
I’ve smoked pot for fifty years and it ain’t hurt me yet.
Congratulations! I know a lot of people like you. Unfortunately, there are people like me who pick up a bit of heart and lung disease along the way. I’ve known some people who got so nutty they had to quit. I’ve known a few that blew a gasket the first time they smoked it.
In short, the damage can be non-existent, or fatal, depending on how much you smoke, what you smoke and your genetic makeup. You don’t know when you start, so it’s always a gamble. Some of us are gamblers.
But when you get our age, the stakes are higher. So are the THC levels, and a lot of long time smokers find their face melting the first time they smoke legal weed. Or take a puff off a dab pipe.
So for myself, I take advantage of the higher THC content, and smoke far less. And smaller hits.
They always say drugs kill brain cells. How many do you have left?
What happens when you mix alcohol and pot?
The same thing that happened when you mixed alcohol and pot as a teenager. Quite often it was something that you don’t want to remember, and likely have never told your spouse. I always considered beer a marijuana enhancement device. It’s a win-win. You smoke less pot and drink less beer.
Once again, moderation is the key. Unless you have a raging drug habit or buy your beer by the case. Hard liquor is a different story altogether. Hard liquor is an advanced class, and more dangerous for a variety of reasons. Not the least … the dreaded spins. You know you don’t need that last bong hit, but you do it anyway. You find yourself flat on your back, tasting stale whiskey on your tongue, the room is tried to break loose from its moorings and finally it does. I go straight for the vomit, I don’t fight it. Besides, a good puke helps prevent hangover.
Should I take vitamins if I smoke pot?
It depends on how much you smoke. You need your vitamins but you should be getting them from what you eat. That said, I do take a multivitamin. If I’m not getting an abundance of fruit, I’ll pop Vitamin C. Potassium and Magnesium are good as well.
That’s about all I can vouch for. But yeah, marijuana does eat up the nutrients in your body. You’ll find if you eat right, and plug the holes in your diet you’ll feel a lot better. And get sick less.
Are you a health professional? Do you know what you’re talking about?
No, I’m an artist, writer and sometimes dabble in music and advertising. But I’m alive, relatively healthy and where most people dropped the habit, I kept going. I never became a burnout – my brain works better now than at any other time in my life. I think. Of course I could be totally fucking nuts.
It was the late eighties, a Sunday afternoon and I was walking into a restaurant/lounge which had live music outside. As I walking in, I saw an empty package of Emge hot dogs there amongst some other trash. I’m guessing LSD was involved as it didn’t make me crave one. Instead, I was turned off by trash. When the music started, I kept noticing the garbage all around me. Plastic, paper, boxes and I thought, “what if I started eating like my granny Bert did back when she was poor?” In the middle of the twentieth century, shit was hard. And people like her ate simple and ate right.
So I decided that day I’d stop eating anything that came in a package with a logo on it. Which turned out to be a good idea, because it pushed me to the basics, I had to learn to cook. And though I wasn’t religious about it, for most of my life after that I ate fairly well.
Otherwise, I surely would have died years ago. Instead I started studying food and nutrition, how to avoid the things which were likely nasty. Here’s the bottom line. Each region of the world has its cuisine, that was developed over the past thousand years. It wasn’t developed to be yummy, but to keep you alive and healthy. If you eat the way they ate in the past, supplement with fruits and vegetables your ancestors never could have dreamt of, you’re pretty much following the most recent dietary advice.
Where I fucked up was cigarettes, and I knew it. And having a job which had me sitting on my ass twelve hours or more a day.
So no, I’m not a professional. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, (but under 1500 mg per day), and double check anything I say for yourself, starting with asking your doctor. Then make your own choices.