Do they still smoke joints?
They do! You can even buy them rerolled now. With decent papers, not a pack of EZ Widers. Cherry flavored.
Since a full sized can knock your dick in the dirt, they also come in smaller sizes. Some in cute little tins. Poetic justice for when you carried your weed in an Altoid container.
The full size comes in a variety of hermetically sealed tubes. You can almost imagine a little universe living in there with it. You’ll end up saving those, like the little containers from concentrates, even though you’ll never come up for a use for them.
Can you buy cannabis pipes in Illinois?
You can. I can find a decent, if somewhat high end selection at Thrive dispensary even. Some of these things you won’t understand. You should be able to spot the bongs and pipes. They haven’t changed much.
But as a rule of thumb, if you’re looking at it and can’t figure out where you’d put the pot, it’s probably not for pot.
You can still find acrylic bongs, in all the old colors. Even some of the old bowls. I’ve got one in the closet now, but I converted to glass. Thick glass.
And besides, at my age if I can’t hold onto the bong, I shouldn’t be smoking it.
Glass pipes are big but you can still find the metal ones. I have a nickel plated one I’ve had longer than I can even remember. And brass screens are totally worth it.
It’s a hash pipe if you want to get technical. With a lid. Where it excels is with a small bud broken up and buttered with hash oil. With the right combination, it almost, almost smells like hash.