Flower is what we used to call pot.
When you get it home and open the jar, the smell is a warning. You realize after your first hit that this isn’t the same shit you used to smoke. You might not realize much of anything else for quite some time until you’re finally able to peel yourself off the couch.
It’s baffling to an older stoner, who is used to buying generic pot from a dude in a trailer, and you’re suddenly confronted with brand names and bewildering array of options. Hence this guide to legal cannabis in southern Illinois, especially for the “old enough to remember” crowd.
Where can I find legal cannabis in Illinois?
In Illinois, you buy pot in a dispensary. Thrive in Harrisburg is my local. They usually have a decent selection, decent price and most important … you can buy pot. Legally. No shit. The first time you walk out the door of a store with weed in your hand you just about shit yourself. And you’re still completely paranoid all the way home.
You can relax. The DEA isn’t going to come kicking in your door. Well, not from the weed you buy at Thrive at least.
I’ve also hit Consume Cannabis in Marion and Carbondale, and Ascend in Fairview Heights. All have good shit, all are professional organizations and I feel comfortable buying from any of them. All have sales, buyer’s programs and the price doesn’t vary more than five or ten bucks.
Unless you’re looking for something specific, the nearest one is probably a good, safe bet. Then again, there’s a certain thrill in traveling for just the right weed.
Why can’t I find MY pot? I mean, what is this shit on the menu?
If you live in southern Illinois and usually smoke commercial weed, then you probably can’t. Thankfully. Obviously since its legal the price is going to be high. To balance it out, the quality of the cannabis is a lot higher unless you’re one of the lucky ones.
That said, you can likely find some relatives of the pot you’re familiar with. Or the taste you remember from back in the day.
So remember when looking at the menu, that pot, weed, grass – the stuff you smoke – is flower now.
It’s often said, (nearly as often disputed and never said without a caveat), that there are two types of cannabis, Sativa and Indica. Sativa is more known for giving you a lift. Euphoria if you will. Indica is known for pinning you to the couch.
Some of the old cannabis strains, such as Acapulco Gold and Panama Red were Sativa. Others, such as Afghani and Northern Lights were Indica.
And Indica was often the source of hashish.
Where can I find hashish?
Good luck. It’s been around, but seems to have disappeared again. For those who never had it, it was compressed marijuana, traditionally done in countries like Afghanistan by rubbing it between the hands and scraping it off. In southern Illinois we likely got it from a slightly different source. It smelled incredible and got you higher than regular weed.
And cost about $30-35 a gram as I remember. When I’ve found it in the dispensaries it was a bit more than twice that.
It’s a marijuana concentrate and still common in Europe, where it can be transported easier than across oceans. Since all cannabis sold in Illinois has to be raised here as well, they focus on more profitable concentrates.
But even though people call most concentrates hash, it’s not hashish. It’s stronger. The smell is still sweet, but not the same. It comes in a variety of consistencies, none of them as hard as a chunk of Lebanese.
Yet concentrates do have their charms.
What’s the best weed for sex?
That depends. If you mean “what’s the best weed to get a woman to have sex with me,” that weed ain’t been grown yet.
If you mean “what’s the best weed to put me in the mood?” then that would depend on what kind of mood puts you in the mood for sex.
If you use the common rule of thumb, a Sativa would make you more energetic. An Indica will make you more relaxed. For hybrids, read the description and reviews.
If I knew the answer to either of these questions then trust me, I’d have had a lot more sex than I did.
What’s the best pot?
Whatever I’m smoking now.
Can I get a dime bag? What quantities does legal cannabis come in?
No. Even a gram will run about thirty bucks. And it doesn’t come in baggies in the dispensary. The usual quantity for flower is an eighth of an ounce, particularly for buds. Shake pretty commonly comes as a quarter. I have seen a few ounces on the menu at various dispensaries, but that’s out of my price range. An ounce of weed from a dispensary is an investment for me. I’ve yet to find one I want to cozy up with for that long without sampling the new ones. A few strains you can get a gram, and prerolled joints are usually a half gram to a gram and a half. The small ones often comes in packs of four or five.
Hashish comes in grams, as does hash oil, and most concentrates.
How much legal weed can I buy at one time?
If you live in Illinois, and can prove it, you can purchase 30 grams of flower, 500mg of THC edibles, and 5 grams of cannabis concentrate. If you live out of state, you can buy half that. But keep in mind, when you cross state lines into a state without legal cannabis, your legal weed is now contraband. Plus you’ve crossed state lines, which could really land your ass in a sling.
The simplest solution to that conundrum? Move to Illinois. Abe Lincoln came from here. It’s a decent place.
How much should I expect to pay for legal cannabis?
Illinois legal cannabis is likely the most expensive in the country, and that’s before taxes.
A gram of flower is usually $20, an eighth runs about $60, though sometimes you can find it for for $45-$55. A quarter of shake will set you back $80-$100. Buds go for $95-$100. A half ounce runs about $180, an ounce about $315.
Then there are taxes. At ThriveIL in Harrisburg, taxes run about 35%, give or take. In Chicago it’s between 40-50%, which is yet another good reason to live in southern Illinois. Did I mention we have the Shawnee Forest?
Is legal weed worth the price?
Whether legal weed is worth the price or not depends on you. In the end, it comes down to quality and supply. Now that the dispensaries are more or less fully stocked, there is always some quality weed available. I never had a supplier who could provide the high standard of weed I get at a dispensary on a regular basis. Certainly not with this kind of choice. Nor flavor.
Whether it’s the higher THC content in legal weed over much of the commercial market, or the qualities of the line of cannabis and their various properties, I get higher off legal weed, smoking less. Probably about 30% less. That’s brings the price down to where it’s close.
Perhaps more important for an older crowd, who spent most of their lives abusing their lungs, that’s 30% less wear and tear on those. Switch to a dab rig and do concentrates and you’ll inhale even less, and it’s believed that you’ll do your lungs even more of a favor by choosing vapor over smoke.
Inhaling concentrates you bought on the street is a crap shoot. It’s the golden rule of drug dealers. If they can cut it with something to make it go further, and fetch more money, they often do it. Even if it damages their customers.
And then there’s the ethical side of it. Pot dealers aren’t normally motivated by altruism, once you get past your connection, or better yet, a friendly grower. The suppliers are trying to make a profit, or at least get their own dope for free. The companies growing and selling legal cannabis in Illinois are trying to make a profit as well. But a big chunk of what you pay goes to the town where the dispensary is located. Some of these smaller towns were in desperate need of a cash infusion.
In short, smoking legal dope now makes you a good citizen. Ironic, ain’t it?
Most important, I love the taste, the buzz … how it makes me feel. Ditch weed never did that for me. One of my research victims has smoked dope for as long as I have. He can smoke dope all night and never notice he’s caught a buzz. Now he can be laid out with a properly timed hit of Mag Landrace Shatter.
I realize that for some people, none of this matters. They love smoking dope, the ceremony, the ritual, even if the actual buzz faded away years ago because of their tolerance. They buy for quantity. They should stick to it.
But if you’re looking for the buzz, legal weed tends to provide more of a buzz for your buck.
How much pot can I possess in Illinois?
As much as you can purchase at one time! 30 grams of flower, 500mg of THC edibles, and 5 grams of cannabis concentrate
Can I grow my own?
Only if you have a medical marijuana card, then you can grow five plants. Start working on those symptoms!
Are edible the most economic choice in legal weed in Illinois?
The short answer is yes, if edibles work for you. I don’t have the evidence to back it up, but that’s a safe bet. Those nasty little vape pens might run a close second. Only if by the end of the week your lungs are so shot you have to ration yourself.
Edible don’t work for me. They work well as a supplement, just not as the main course. It feels like taking drugs. I have little control over how high I get, or how long it takes to get there.
I get high, but I don’t get the ritual of getting high. Just over time it dawns on me … “oh I say, I believe I’m high now.”
That doesn’t work for me. I like the ritual. Maybe someday, when smoking it is just too painful, then I’ll advocate. Till then, I’ll stick to the old ways.
What are terps?
Terps, or terpenes are the oils in Cannabis which add scent and flavor to the plant. Not a lot is known about their affect on your buzz, but it’s a safe bet they have one. And quite likely a substantial effect.
Look, you can go as deep into this as you like. As for myself, I treat terpenes like I do the elements that go into beer or whiskey. There are certain kinds of beer I like, and some kinds that I love. It’s the same with weed. Knowing that I’m tasting Pinene doesn’t really change how I feel, or how the weed tastes. I’m not a scientist, and I’m not out to impress anyone with my knowledge of weed.
God only knows if you need someone like that, you can usually find them standing in line at the dispensary, talking way too loud about this shit.
Now you can use the terpenes as indicators of what the weed will taste like, and perhaps how it will warp your mind. That’s great. There are all kinds of sources online for exploring terpenes. Here’s a good one to start with …