Verano’s Mag Landrace is a uniquely potent buzz. A pure Landrace from the mountains of Iran, transplanted to Illinois, it’s a crystal coated Indica with an unmistakable scent, as exotic as its source. It can lay you out, and make you happy to be there. Or the euphoric burst and relatively high THC levels can inflict a whiplash effect of paranoia on the unsuspecting smoker.
Rango told me not to look, but I did anyway. He’s a paranoid when it comes to medical issues. When you get our age, those become a fact of life. Sometimes they turn out to be nothing. Other times that’s not the case. It’s something you learn to live with, and you have to keep telling yourself that it was a choice.
I can’t say I didn’t know all this shit was bad for me forty years ago when I started a life of substance abuse. And though I’ve learned the art of moderation and how to take care of myself since, I can’t undo all the damage I did when I was younger.
After all, younger went up to just a few years ago. Maybe not numerically but in bad behavior.
A change of doctor meant a physical, with blood tests. The results posted almost a week before the follow up appointment. Rango warned me about looking, but as I said, I did anyway.
So it’s the night before the follow up and my anxiety level is creeping up.
Then it occurs to me, I have medicine for that. A lot of people smoke cannabis for the calming effect. I always smoked it for the buzz. But I figure it’s worth experimenting with.
The way my teeth are clattering in nervous anticipation, I figure it’s going to take a healthy dose. That means some concentrate. That narrowed my choices to Purple Thai, Maui Wowie or Verano’s Mag Landrace. I don’t typically visit the dab rig more than once in an evening. And the Purple Thai and Mag Landrace both pack a pretty healthy wallop. The idea is to decrease paranoia, so rather than hit it twice, a bit of flower would top it off.
As Verano’s Mag Landrace is an Indica, and more relaxing, and I had both flower and sunrise shatter, it was an easy choice. So I started with three small bong hits, and gave that a few minutes to hit.
There’s no mistaking the flavor. Some say earthy, some say spicy. Perhaps a bit of apple, or cloves. All that applies. For me, it’s the smell of a World War I uniform I found once in a trunk in the attic of an old house. Still perfectly folded, no moths or mold. But it was the smell of old wool, so strong upon opening after fifty years that I could taste it.
That’s what I taste and smell in Mag Landrace. And it’s not an unpleasant experience. You have to admit, Mag Landrace is unique.
Boasting high THC levels, it’s a powerful Indica. A lot of people melt almost instantly into the couch. Rango used to find himself horizontal every time he smoked it, and not very happy about it. So in hindsight, smoking it to allieve paranoia could have been misguided.
It’s also noted for promoting a healthy burst of euphoria. But I’ve noticed that euphoria can be a euphemism for raw energy. Which can go either way, depending on the mood.
After twenty minutes, the energy had kicked in. Evidently it leaned towards euphoria, rather than paranoia, so I decided to visit the lounge and fire up the dab rig.

Dabbing Verano’s Mag Landrace sunrise shatter
I misjudged the first hit and choked. Not an extended spell, just a couple explosive coughs, a couple smaller ones then the mild head rush brought on by hyperventilating. I was back on the rig before it had a chance to cool off.
I don’t take huge hits anymore. I don’t blow out a cloud that could fill a room. Instead, I take pride in how stoned I can get on the smallest amount possible. To me that’s just common sense. It took me almost forty years to develop common sense.
I load a hit about the size of a grain of rice. Wild rice, not the white stuff. It’s easy to get too high off a dab rig. Inevitably I always feel a bit cocky after a few minutes. It’s not going to be that big of a ride.
Rango doesn’t do well with Mag Landrace. But the other night he said “break it out.” After choking it down, he was doing pretty good and I pointed that out.
“Wait twenty minutes” he said, wisely.
Verano Mag Landrace and a trip from euphoria to paranoia and back again
It’s been ten minutes. I’ve been frantically typing. The energy burst this time has a bit of menace to it. It could be easy to slide into paranoia.
Paranoia is a nasty thing. It’s why Jim Morrison quite smoking dope. That and he developed a taste for heroin. Of the people I used to smoke dope with who gave it up, a surprisingly large number claim paranoia as a the cause. Particularly with the newer, stronger strains that are readily available.
The only real solution to paranoia is to look at things objectively. I saw the results, there’s no smoking gun pointing to imminent death. A change in lifestyle might be in order. Or things could really go south. All the cards are on the table. This could be the last normal night of my life.
“I don’t take huge hits anymore. I don’t blow out a cloud that could fill a room. Instead, I take pride in how stoned I can get on the smallest amount possible. To me that’s just common sense. It took me almost forty years to develop common sense.”
But it’s part of getting older. My ex-father in law used to say “getting old isn’t for pussies.” Then one morning he was sitting at the kitchen table, stood up to put on his belt and pretty much dropped dead on the spot.
It’s easy enough to push out the paranoia though with Mag Landrace. No matter what I learn tomorrow, I deal with it. After all, it’s not tomorrow yet. That’s the advantage of getting older. You’ve learned to deal with some pretty nasty shit.
If you’re lucky, you come to the conclusion that at midnight, the night before something big, there’s not much you can do about it. Except do something you enjoy to take your mind off of it.
That’s what I did, and the Mag Landrace certainly helped, then slowed me down and put me to bed.
Bed is where paranoia really has a chance to creep in. I fell asleep before it had a chance.
Mag Landrace is one of my go to strains. It’s a pure Landrace, not a trace of hybrid about it. It’s nice being able to go back to the source. I’ve had it in flower, shake, prerolls, live resin and RSO oil. I haven’t been disappointed by any of them.
The next afternoon I find out all is well, or at least better than I expected. I need to pay a bit closer attention to my diet, and take a Vitamin D pill once a week. And if I care about my kidneys and liver, cut back on the drinking a bit.
I can live with that. And it’s good to know when I go back in three months for a follow up, Verano’s Mag Landrace will be holding my hand.
The Particulars:
Verano Mag Landrace Flower
THC 27%, give or take
Verano Mag Landrace RSO
THC 83.9%