Bedford Grow’s Lou’s Legacy is a potent Indica, comprised of two award winning vintage strains. It delivers a high THC buzz which might inspire your mind to dig into something creative, if you can find a way to drag your ass off the couch.
It was supposed to be an easy day at work, mostly doing stuff for myself. Things that a buzz often improves upon. It’s one of the perks of being in a creative field.
I peeked into my “one buzz left” stash, and saw Lou’s Legacy. Had no memory of smoking the rest of it. I vaguely remembered it was a Chemdog mixed with something, and Chemdog usually leaves me feeling a bit brainless. But it was going to be an easy day, so I dumped it out on the tray.
A few hits later and I’m reeling. I didn’t go straight from bed to bong, but I still had my jammies on at least. It was cold outside, slightly icy even, and the combination of buzz and comfort locked into place.
Chemdog, named for the Deadhead who developed it, is notorious for its diesel, chemical taste and the blistering buzz it administers. Though a 50-50 hybrid, mixed with another Sativa it can set the mind to racing at an uncomfortable speed if you’re not careful.
The “something” mixed with Chemdog, or Chemdawg if you prefer in Bedford Grow’s Lou’s Legacy is Northern Lights Haze. Hailing from the great northwest, it’s also a balanced hybrid, which means the fuel for mind racing is there in its Sativa half.
A few hits later and I’m reeling. I didn’t go straight from bed to bong, but I still had my jammies on at least. It was cold outside, slightly icy even, and the combination of buzz and comfort locked into place.
“A few hits later and I’m reeling. I didn’t go straight from bed to bong, but I still had my jammies on at least. It was cold outside, slightly icy even, and the combination of buzz and comfort locked into place. “
My first hint the day was going sour was when my stereo didn’t work. I got an album for Christmas, this was my first chance since I got it where I had the house to myself. And though I could tell it was playing, there was no sound. A light blinked repeatedly, which told me something was wrong. But these new stereos I’ve yet to fully comprehend. It blinking was maddening, a constant taunt that I wasn’t going to get what I wanted.
I decided a couple more hits might take my mind off of it. It did, for a couple minutes. Then the phone rang.
It was a client, who informed me they had reversed the order of two jobs which needed done. The one I’d finished they didn’t need till later. The one I was doing tomorrow needed to be up a few hours ago.
We all have tasks which we can do stoned out of our gourds, blindfolded, with one hand tied behind our back. This wasn’t that. Something I learned long ago, is that for some things, pot just makes it take longer to get them done. This was one of those things. It also required correlating information from two people who don’t always agree, and calling the client frequently. She was having blood sugar issues because of her diabetes. It was tense, but we got it done.
And that’s the drawback of smoking a particularly strong, mind fucking weed at work. You can get things done, but it tends to take longer if you intend on doing it right. Unfortunately when you work for yourself, you’re expected to do it right and not paid by the hour.
So rule number one when smoking Lou’s Legacy, is remember you’re likely to be stupidly stoned with a noticeable IQ drop. Compounding that is a bit of physical lethargy, which makes doing much of anything a bit too much effort. You’d really rather sit on the couch and catch an episode of Scooby Doo.
One distinct positive is with just a couple more hits late in the afternoon, I was sailing into the evening. So once the job was done and I made it to the couch, I instantly dropped into relaxed mode. And rather than feeling like a nap, there was still the cerebral high that made me downright talkative.
I meant to look up Lou, and learn why this buzz that leaves you feeling zig zagged is his legacy. But by then, I found curing the munchies with a bowl of chili and watching the wife’s Harry Potter films was a better way to shut off the brain and enjoy the smile.
NOTE: Lou was Lou Dineff, who created Bedford Grow with his sister, Laurel. Lous was lost to cancer just after being awarded his Illinois licenses. R.I.P. Mr Dineff.
The Particulars:
Bedford Grow Lou’s Legacy
Hybrid of Chem 4 X Northern Lights X Haze
THC: 23-24%